Monday, January 8, 2018

Our View Is Back

Yesterday we trimmed the trees away from the porch so we could see the harbor again. Actually, I supervised and told Dave where to cut. He uses his pole chainsaw, but some of the trees have to be trimmed by reaching through and up from below. The conversation goes something like this...Dave: "Is this the branch?" Me: "No, go towards me a foot." Dave: "How about here?" Me: "No, a little to your left, oops, no sorry, my left, your right" (he was standing on a ladder facing opposite me). Dave: "Here?" Me: "Yes that's it, cut right there!" And so it went for each branch of these rapidly growing corkwood trees. We left the side ones the same for privacy but this is what it looked like out front too.

 Now the harbor is back!
At least I can see what's going on as I recuperate and learn to walk again...which is finally seeing some more improvement. I walked (paced) the apartment with only one crutch yesterday and sometimes even one cane. Plus I took my first few steps with no crutches. Then it was back to ice and elevate because I overdid it. At least there is hope!

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