Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Seeing Red

We always keep an eye to the sky when we are out boating. However, storms can sneak up on us on Lake George since it is surrounded by mountains. That is exactly what happened to us a few days ago. With only a 20% chance of rain, we headed down to our favorite spot in the Mother Bunch Islands. We anchored for lunch and thankfully Dave dove the anchor, securing it around a rock (the bottom is hard with poor holding).  That's when a dark cloud peaked its head over the western shore mountain and we watched it for awhile trying to determine which way the rain was headed, hoping it was going south to north away from us. I even checked the radar and it showed clear skies (amazing there is cell/internet out there). As it became larger, it looked to encompass the whole northern lake, so I knew there was no sense in trying to race back to Ticonderoga. Just as I looked up again and exclaimed to Dave that this one cloud had switched direction and was moving really fast from north to south, a chilly north wind kicked in and a squall hit. Other boats were dragging anchor, but with being hooked around a rock, we stayed put, which was good because we were just a few feet from the rocky shore. We were getting pummeled with rain though, when Dave remembered Moxie's boat cover was on board.  We hid under it for about half an hour, laughing like crazy (and seeing red!), until the storm passed and the sun came out again.

Luckily there was no thunder until after it passed, so I think this storm formed over our heads. We figured that we better head back north and a little closer to the launch ramp, which worked in our favor. The sky darkened again, so we bypassed swimming at the Waltonian Islands. Shortly after we hauled out Moxie, another squall hit. We sure got all 20% of the much needed rain, but please not on my head!😉

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