We have been sewing windshield covers for when we store the boat next month. We also made fabric sun covers for the dinghy for the summer.

Dave raced Sunfish again and came in 4th out of 9 boats. It was a windy day and he even flipped his once, but righted it so fast that he barely lost any momentum.
There is a website that we keep an eye on that shows all the marina and fuel costs in the Bahamas, and is updated once a month. Last night Dave checked it and said that one of the marinas in Marsh Harbor had lowered the price of their fuel to $3.42 gal., compared to over $4.10 at most other places. We called to confirm that this wasn’t a misprint and ended up coming over here today to fill up. We didn’t really actually need the fuel, but chances are it certainly won’t be this low again for quite some time. We ended up getting about 300 gallons (we hold 600) and now we will even be set for most of next season. The ironic thing about the cheap price is that we told a couple of our power boat friends about the good deal and Ben on Belinda B, just passed by us as in the anchorage and said that the marina told him that they are now out of fuel! I guess the word got around fast, or they were tired of pumping today, since they told him to come back tomorrow but the price may not be the same. For once we actually lucked out and got the discounted price.
Since we are here in Marsh Harbour, the hub of Abaco and third largest city in the Bahamas, we might as well take advantage and stock up on food. The freighter was in port today, and although the grocery store was pretty depleted, they told us that it will be totally restocked by tomorrow morning. We have also gone to “The Chemist” to order my prescriptions for the summer. Prescriptions here are about 1/3 - 1/2 the cost of what they are in the United States. One year we were in Spanish Wells near Eleuthera and I needed to get my Advair refilled. Not only did the pharmacy there give me discount for getting 3 of them, but he also said just round the total amount down. You certainly won’t find that happening in the U.S.
Today the sun feels so good and it was almost 70 degrees out. The prediction is for the weather to get better every day. Perhaps “spring has sprung!” However, the past week’s chilly temperatures and winds have brought the water temperatures down to 65 degrees. Dave has been in the water though, trying to clean some of the barnacle and sea growth off the prop blades and bottom of the boat. The bottom starts to grow a beard that looks like wavering grass or fur while in the salt water. This growth really slows us down when motoring and trying to steer and maneuver can be difficult. When New Horizon gets hauled out for storage, the bottom of the hull gets a thorough pressure washing. At least the scraping and cleaning that Dave did today will hold us over until that happens. Tomorrow we should be able to ‘fly’ back to Hope Town at about 8 miles per hour.
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