Thursday, February 6, 2014


Dave has been getting so sore with all of his activities, and several people thought it would be a good idea if he joined some of the yoga classes held here at the marina. Phyllis the instructor graciously tailored the class to him and other beginners. Later that evening she even wrote to make sure that he wasn't too sore.

First she started with breathing in scented to oils to relax. As you can see, Dave wasn't even the only man there.

Then it was on to stretching and basic Yoga. Some of the moves Dave definitely couldn't do, but he did feel better after the class and will continue once a week (the class lasts about 2 hours).

And me? Well, I am a power walker and being able to take the trails to the main road is such an advantage living here at the marina. It is great to just come back and cool off in that inviting pool and do some water aerobics. I think that Dave would enjoy the water exercise too, but there is so much going on with the sailing club, Sunfish, Abaco dinghies and the Rage, that it it is hard for him to make time. This has been our busiest season ever.

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