Saturday, March 28, 2015

" When the Cat's Away...

...The husband will play!" After a two hour flight skirting around numerous thunderstorms in a seven seater plane, I arrived in Daytona. Not long afterward I received this photo:

I'm not sure where the water bike came from, or who owns it, but I've always wanted one. Is this a present for me? Seriously Dave, you are supposed to be putting all the toys AWAY! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carol & Dave,

    I'm currently restoring a Winer Malone Dinghy built in 1990 that is 13'5''. Your posts about the Dandy give me hope for the hard work ahead. I would love to talk or rather email Dave about my plans for the boat and get his insight and what he has learned from Winer. I have also emailed Kent Leboutillier for advice and moral support for restoration project ahead.

    Regards and Safe Travels

    David Lincoln
