Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fields O' Plenty, Part 2: Nighttime

My cousin Chuck sure knows how to throw a great party, and what a fantastic setting it was to have it! Past his new blueberry field, with his gorgeous house overlooking it all, lies another field with picnic tables, a fire pit, and the now famous Boogie Barn! We had such a fun evening visiting people and relatives we hadn't seen in years. Plus there was delicious food and a fabulous band (with Chuck as one of the two drummers).

Since we had come directly from the truck show, we unloaded the Tally Ho wagon and Farmall and went for a tour of the property with Kerstin, Kenny, and Ashley. In a couple of years these 2700 blueberry plants will be mature, so you'll definitely want to head to Star Farm to pick your own.

We had a bit of a problem going up the hill when the gas ran to the back of the Farmall's tank and it stalled. We ended up having to unhitch everything and get it turned around and pointed downhill, without it getting out of control at the steep angle. All part of the experience!

Thanks so much Chuck for a memorable night! Now it's time to trade in my heavy coat for my swimsuit and head south. Dave will stay home for a bit, but I will spending a month in Daytona before we both fly to Abaco. What an awesome season in the north it has been!

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