On Monday I finally had my ankle surgery completed. Talk about a long day. I wasn't scheduled until 3 PM but the surgery before me ran long so I didn't go into the OR until 4:30. Of course I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since midnight, but at that point I was too nervous to think about my stomach anyway. Unfortunately, my doctor found that more work had to be done than expected. First of all, that extra time from me being sick made my bones heal more but not correctly. Then apparently, but not surprisingly, I have osteoporosis and they couldn't get the screws to stay put. So they put a plate on both sides of the bones with screws all the way through attaching the plates. I compare it to a rotten wood Abaco dinghy... similar to when we repaired the ribs in the hull, we did the same thing.
My procedure was done outpatient and I got to go home that night at about 8. I was smart enough to accept the offer of a right leg nerve block which total numbness lasts 10-24 hours. This was plenty of time to get me settled in my bedroom recliner and sleep before the pain gradually took over. Since then I have been sleeping with my meds for about 18 hours a day because it sure makes me dizzy. The pain was about an 8 yesterday but so far about a 6 today. Hopefully every day will be better!
Hope your pain numbers keep diminishing. You have to heal more before you go trick or treating in 13 days. Dave, dressed as an orderly, can wheel you around disguised as a hospital patient. No additional costume necessary. Hope you feel better soon.