Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Finding (the) Dory

Leave it to Dave to think ahead. Last year he discovered an old abandoned small boat that looks like a dory on the Sailing Club's beach, here in the harbor. It was filled with garbage, didn't have an engine, but it did float, so he dragged it back to our 'pond' and hauled away all the garbage to the dumpster. Then he hauled it out and hid it securely away on land, just in case we needed it sometime. Well, that time has already come! Our skiff's outboard motor needs a new impeller and some gaskets replaced, and Walkabout is till hauled out, so we need 'wheels' to get to the other side of the harbor, while we wait for parts to arrive. Dave put an engine that was given to him last season on it (it needed repair at the time and he fixed it) and we are set. Well almost, anyway. He had a spare gas can to use, but no gas, and of course our fuel dock is closed. He ended up siphoning the gas out of the skiff by mouth (needless to say, he went through a lot of Listerine afterwards). As he was waiting for the can to fill up, he mentioned that it was good that the gas is already mixed with oil. So off we went for a harbor tour and test drive. The engine sounded a little loud and I asked Dave if that was normal. He acted offended until he suddenly realized that we don't mix the skiff's gas with oil because it is oil injected...oops! No wonder it rattled. We stopped at Hope Town Inn and Marina and he walked back to the boatyard and got some oil, and added a little more than needed to compensate for the lack-there-of.

Every time we mention the boat we call it the dory, so how could we not name this boat Dory from the Nemo movie? It is especially appropriate since Dory was found...😉 She's pretty ratty looking but gets us around just fine for now. I guess that really qualifies us as Harbour Rats!

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