Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our First Wet Meet

We had been looking forward to our first wet meet of the season, which was last weekend at Lake Algonquin in Wells. Held for the last three years at an AOMCI member's camp, Tim Cantele was a great host. This was the first time that we brought a boat to launch, and our Wagemaker Wolverine 'Flash' was the perfect choice for this venue.

There was also a very nice polished aluminum Feathercraft in the water. A total of 9 boats were launched.

Besides Flash, we also brought up Dave's 1936 Johnson outboard, which ran flawlessly (Mike Glenn, president of the Mohawk Hudson Chapter, had brought a tin rowboat so that anyone who wanted to try out their outboards, could do so). 

After our picnic lunch, compliments of Tim and other attendees, Tim brought out his 1919 Spinaway motor and it ran great on his dinghy. If there had been awards, it would have won best in show.

We were reacquainted with many of this chapter's members, along with meeting new people, and had a fantastic time, although I ended up being only one of two women there, and the only woman to go out on the lake. Enjoy the photos!

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