Friday, July 3, 2020

Back & Forth

We have continued to go back and forth to the Adirondacks, depending on the weather. At home I had another good show when Mama deer and her fawn took a stroll through the backyard. The fawn was all excited and running around "kicking up its heels" until it spotted something that startled it. It stood in place and stomped its front feet on the ground until mellow Mom came over to see what the problem was. That's when I saw a rabbit slowly hop towards the woods with the fawn literally on its tail. I was amazed that the rabbit allowed both deer to smell it and not run away. A real life Bambi and Thumper! Sorry my photo is blurry, but it was taken through the window and zoomed as far as possible.

Up in Ticonderoga, I had a great walk that led me across the La Chute River footbridge. Looking south, that is the end of Lake George before the water heads towards the falls on its way to Lake Champlain. What a nice calm morning it was with fog in the mountains.

With Covid-19 restrictions on Fourth of July celebrations and gatherings, the town came up with alternative events, including a house and business decorating contest. I haven't seen too many places decorated, but I think this one is the best and I hope it wins...

There is normally a large parade downtown for the holiday, but instead this year there will be local first responders driving firetrucks, etc. through quite a few of the streets around town while people can cheer from their houses or from inside their vehicles. There will also be fireworks on the 4th, but no gatherings and if you can't see them from home, you can watch from your vehicle. If you get out to watch, you can only stand next to the car with a mask on (it will be live-streamed on Facebook too). There are strict rules that need to be adhered to in order to pull off this event this year. Most other cities have cancelled fireworks and celebrations, so I give the Ti Chamber of Commerce and their 'Best 4th in the North' committee a lot of credit for adapting and trying to please as many people as possible while sticking to restrictions.

Happy Independence Day everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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