Friday, July 31, 2020


Trying to take our minds off the looming hurricane that is predicted to hit Florida's east coast around our winter home, we decided to take Moxie south on Lake George. This was the first time this year that we have headed to our favorite anchorage in the Mother Bunch Islands. There were a few boats there but we always go close to shore, so we stayed out of their way. Just as we were eating lunch, another boat came in and anchored right next to us! We could have just about reached over and touched them. There were about 6 people onboard with 2 little kids that started yelling as soon as they hit the water. The kids were having fun but did they have to be so close? Dave even said to the captain, you have the whole bay but he ignored Dave. Instead of making a scene, we opted to leave and find another spot, exploring along the western shoreline. It's hard to believe, but we actually found a small cove that we had never noticed before. We pulled into the lee of Steere Island and it protected us from the north wind, waves, and boat wakes (I thought it was strange that the pontoon boat was on the other side of the island, which was totally exposed to the waves).

Front view and we think that the cliff in the background is famous Deer Leap on Tongue Mt., which has a hiking trail that goes to it.

Rear view looking south on the lake is gorgeous as usual!

Then there was a pair of loons that kept diving close by. When Dave went snorkeling, they were on high alert and kept calling to each other and extending their necks. Although they did not swim away, the closer Dave got to them, the more agitated they became, so he backed off. Having his mask on, Dave knew why they stayed in the area. It was a sunfish nursery with schools of baby sunfish in the shallows.

Without fate taking over with those rude boaters anchoring so close to us, we never would have found this new special spot to add to our repertoire of favorite swimming holes. Now we are back to waiting to see what happens with Hurricane Isaias. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't as bad as the media is saying.

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