Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Dave and I were taking an early morning bicycle ride today and I noticed this sunbather trying to warm up in the chilly temps (it was only 55 degrees out). 

He or she was along the shores of Warner Creek, and although this section is fenced, much of it isn't. Recently we had walked the area and glad we didn't have a chance encounter! That is a brave turtle catching some rays, right behind the gator too. We certainly have a growing list of nature right in our own backyard.

FOOTNOTE: After some research, we think that this may be a now famous crocodile, aptly named Irwin, that has been frequenting the Jensen Beach area. It was recently seen at a condo complex further down on Warner Creek. FWC claims that Irwin has not been a nuisance and has been quite mellow so far, so they have not tried to catch him (or her). It is hard to tell crocs from gators, but the sharper snout in my photo tends us to believe it is Irwin.  It is now 2 PM and it is still is in the same spot. I just watched some brave ducks walk by its head, giving it a wide berth though.

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