Thursday, February 18, 2021

New Wheels!

It was time. Although we enjoy riding around on the Silverwing motorcycle, sometimes we have really wanted a car to drive. The van is great for long trips or to tow boats, but around town it is rather cumbersome and we really wanted something small and sporty, since we don't have much room down here. We debated on going as small as a Smart Car but my heart wasn't into it. Perhaps shipping my PT Cruiser Convertible might work, but then we saw what used ones were going for and unfortunately it just wasn't worth it (and Florida sun is hard on a convertible top). Our neighbor has a Mini-Cooper and loves it, so we figured, why not get something different than what we already have up north? You know us and how we love being diverse. We looked at one but it was a bit ratty. Then our friend Scott sent us an ad for this 2008 blue Mini, right in Lake Park near West Palm Beach. I sent Jim and Dave down to check it out and voila, they REALLY liked it, so now it is ours! Next step is to name it, since they have a cult following and all have names. 

When the guys go sailing, I won't be left home alone, or if the conditions are right and I want to kayak while they sail, I can drive to the launch ramp, and if they stay out too long I am free to go on my merry way. It even holds quite a few groceries, which we tested tonight, and once I have my second vaccine shot, I can foresee more shopping trips to make up for lost time. 

Our fleet is growing...happy 43rd anniversary to us! 


  1. My suggestions for names are Bradley, Jackie (both actors) or Alice (after the rock star).

  2. It now has a name. "Bitsy", in reverence to Queen Elizabeth and it's British lineage!! And as to it's size.......

  3. Bitsy is cool. The fact you guys are married 43 years, that's really cool! Congratulations!!!
