Saturday, March 16, 2024

Serenity Now

Our third morning kayak trip was to Peck Lake in the Intracoastal Waterway. We beat the crowds to Jupiter Island and had the ocean beach all to ourselves. There were lots of boats in the lake itself (really just a wide spot in the ICW) but it sure was serene overlooking the cruising fleet. We imagined ourselves cruising again, but then all the boat wakes started and we laughed and were glad we sleep on land!

This schooner was a beauty though, but really rocked in the waves.

After"serenity now" comes "insanity later" (thanks Seinfeld 😉), which is what must have happened with high winds and this sailboat that dragged anchor back in the mangroves. 

We do seem to find all the derelict boats, don't we? That's the fun of kayaking and getting in all the places most people don't and can't go. 


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