Sunday, April 7, 2024

Showtime #2

Antique Outboards was the theme for this show.  Jim and Scott joined us for the final AOMCI Gator Chapter meet of the season, held this time in Indiantown on the Okeechobee Waterway (which brought back many memories of cruising). 

It was also a "let's make a deal" garage sale and lots of parts and motors changed hands. Below are some photos of the displays.

Last, but not least, Dave debuted his project canoe and motor, and it won first place for best boat and motor combination! He has been working on this for about a couple of months, buying an old canoe, cutting off the stern and incorporating a flat wood piece to accommodate his recently acquired 1940 Johnson 2.5 h.p. outboard engine. Then he repaired the cane seats, painted the boat, and added decals. It came out awesome!

It is called 'Willet', not just because a Willet is a Sandpiper, but also because we wonder, "Willet" float, "Willet" run, "Willet" make it back to the dock? 😂  Originally we thought we would just display the canoe and motor on land, but the calm water was calling. That's when the three guys carried it down to the water to see"Willet" float....and it did! Thank goodness I had my two boat boys, Jim and Scott to help out! The engine hasn't been started yet and we have no oars either, so a dock line was attached to make sure they didn't go downstream (or up a creek without a paddle? 😉). 

Scott needed to sit in the front for weight, because with Dave and the outboard in the stern, it tried to do a wheelie. Dave alone in the middle balanced okay, but then he wouldn't be able to steer. 

Still, it was a good trial run (more of a float) and we came home with a coveted blue ribbon! 

Footnote: There is one more show to report on tomorrow. 😎

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