Saturday, June 8, 2024

Paper or Plastic?

Do you remember being asked that question at the store check out a long time ago? The paper and plastic I'm talking about in this post are a bit larger than bags though. Perhaps you noticed in my last post that it looked like I was in a canoe instead of a kayak. That's because we are now proud owners of two 10 foot long Hornbeck Lost Pond canoes. We have been looking at these for a few years after seeing and lifting one while helping a lady out on Lake Champlain. They are made of Kevlar with wood trim and only weigh 15 lbs.! Even though they look like a canoe, you paddle them like a kayak. We have been talking about going to where they are made in Olmsteadville, since they have demos that you can try out. However, about a week ago, Dave saw two used ones being offered for sale on Facebook Marketplace for less than half the price of new, and the ad was only an hour old. Knowing that they are extremely popular and sought after, he immediately inquired. Luckily we were the first in line and they said they would save them for us until the following morning! By the time we bought them nearby in Broadalbin, they had 5 other people on a waiting list. The canoes were definitely used and scratched, but have lots of life left in them. We added footrests and more comfortable seats, and we have taken them out several times. Dave can carry both of them at the same time with one on each shoulder. Another calm day, this time on Lake Champlain at Port Henry...

We still like our plastic Swifty kayaks for longer trips and if conditions are marginal (or if we plan on dragging them up on rocks for picnics), but they are so much heavier, especially as we age! 😉 So now that we have our super light Hornbecks or sturdy Swifty's, when it's time to load up to go paddling Dave asks me, "paper or plastic?" 

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