Friday, November 6, 2020

Holy Cow!

Today was our only day to get out on the water between weather systems and when we start to feel the effects of Tropical Storm Eta. The wind has continued to blow at least 15-20 mph daily, but we took a chance that we would be protected enough to kayak the south fork of the St. Lucie River. We launched at Hosford Park, that we discovered last season, and it worked well, although we did have to hide under a boat on a lift for 20 minutes, to keep from getting wet in a squall. 

We saw the same boats and homes as last time around, but we only saw one turtle and no alligators. Dave did get up close to an anhinga and I spotted a very unusual sight along the river. I was looking at some of the nice homes on the opposite shore, when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, right next to me...CATTLE! Boy, did they give me the evil eye, but they didn't attempt to flee or get out of the water. 

Apparently there must be a farm on that side, and either they were cooling off or attempting to drink the brackish water. Either way, they were fun to see and added to our first adventure out. Now we await storms and lots of rain from Eta.

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