Monday, November 9, 2020

Waiting Out Eta

It was a wild day and night for us northerners, as we sat through the outer bands of Tropical Storm Eta (Floridians are used to this and didn't even make any preparations). We were in a tropical storm warning and hurricane watch area, but at least the hurricane winds didn't materialize. We had some really nasty squalls hit us though, and lasted through the night. Our place certainly did lots of creaking, although we had quite of bit of protection from the easterlies. There were tons of leaves and small branches down around the park, which have already been picked up by the great maintenance crew. Our only damage was that we woke to our shared mailbox post having broken and fallen over. It was pretty rotten and down to a skinny little nub left at the base from the lawn guys that weedwhack around it, whittling it down each week. Our neighbor couldn't believe it when he saw it had collapsed. He said it had survived two other hurricanes, but a tropical storm finally did it in. Replacing it was a perfect post-storm 😉 project for Dave, and he completed it just as the mail truck rounded the corner. 

We were lucky this time and I hope Eta doesn't loop around and come back to get us again. The 'spaghetti models' for this storm have been all over the place. The wind may still be blowing but it is sunny, hot, and steamy out now. Welcome to Florida!

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