Monday, February 12, 2018

Swelling Up

Thankfully, I am not talking about myself this time! Instead I am writing about our Abaco Dinghy Dandy that is now back in the water and sitting proudly out front of our marina for all to admire.

Dave had her launched this morning and her wooden planks are swelling up nicely after being out of the water since last April. There was so little water coming in that he only had to bail out about 20 sponges full of seawater after a couple of hours. Now that's literally running a tight ship!

Later this afternoon the wind eased enough for him to take a perfect sail around the harbor. His mast extension that he made to lift the mainsail higher, so we can see and maneuver under the boom easier, is a huge success.

What an honor to own one of these iconic wooden boats made by the late Winer Malone!

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