Monday, July 22, 2019


We have followed the building of the new Frontier Town equestrian campground in North Hudson from its inception a few years ago. Built on 91 acres of land where the old Frontier Town western cowboy amusement park was located, we felt it was a must to go see what the NYS DEC had turned this land into. This is its first season open, so we knew it would be a good chance to explore it when the wind was blowing 25 mph and we couldn't get out on the lake. There was no better way to get there than the PT Cruiser with the top down on the 90 degree morning. It is only about an hour or less away and we were so glad we went! We were allowed to go in and check out the grounds without paying a day use charge, which was nice.

The place is gorgeous and new, but there was hardly anyone there. There are 91 campsites and maybe a dozen people camping...and it was the weekend, which is the busiest time.

Of those 91 campsites, 33 are equestrian sites, but there were no campers there at the moment. These sites weren't half as nice as the other campsites and looked to be all in a row in a parking lot. Hopefully you like your neighbor. The horse stalls were small and not separated by much, so your horse better be friendly with its next door neighbor too.

There are trails throughout the park that we read are shared by hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders (Dave said too bad it's not for dirt bikes). There are also pavilions for larger get-togethers.

I got a kick out of the saloon doors on the bathhouses...

There are playgrounds for the kids, and the campground is so expansive that it would be great for bicycles. However there is no pool and I saw one sign that said that Schroon River was a 2 1/2 mile hike away. You know us...we want water nearby!

I really hope that business gets better for them because right now, as Dave said, it's a boondoggle. If you look up the definition, it describes it best..."work or activity that is wasteful or pointless, but gives the appearance of having value." It all looks lovely, but it will take a long time to recoup the millions of dollars invested in this project, especially if so few people are taking advantage of the facility.

Plus the old entrance building is being turned into the Paradox Brewery! They too will need more than the dozen campers we saw to make a go of it, since there isn't much else out there in that part of the Adirondacks. 

Boondoggle? You be the judge and take a trip to visit the area. It may just bring back memories of when you were a kid and joined in the cowboy festivities. Some of the old buildings could even be hidden way back in the woods.

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