Friday, July 5, 2019

Independence Day Celebration

What a fantastic Fourth of July we had! Friends and neighbors Wendy and Greg came up to Ticonderoga, and we were thrilled to be able to give them a tour of the north end of the lake in Moxie. It had been a long time since they had been out in a boat, so what a great chance to get them reacquainted with water life. They both really enjoyed swimming in the lake, which is warming up nicely with our 90 degree temps. Plus they liked how Moxie has the 'Captain's Choice' exhaust on it...we could get the V8 rumbling when going slow, or turn it off to cruise quietly when going fast.

I can't believe that Wendy was brave enough to take her phone into the water to take photos while we were at the very shallow clam bar, where they dug up fresh water clams with their toes. Another first for them!

In the evening we all went down to the Sagamore Hotel to watch the fireworks. This was a perfect ending to the day.

Afterwards we walked through the main lobby and couldn't resist getting photos of us at the baby grand player piano in the middle off the room, playing softly, all on its own. We do look prim and proper for this exclusive resort...

Thanks Wendy and Greg for the photos and especially for a very memorable day!

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