Friday, August 21, 2020

Two Old Goats Get High...

And those old goats are us! For the first time in many years, we took a hike on the trail to the lookout spot over both Lake George and Lake Champlain. It was a bit challenging for me, being that I have been so cautious since I broke my ankle a few years ago. We went slowly and carefully on the rocky trail, which is close to a one mile trek there. First we had to go down to go up to the 700 ft. high view.

We made it to the lone picnic table poised on the edge of the abyss...

The view was spectacular with Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains on our right...

And Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains on our left. When you see the two together, you can tell that Lake George is higher than Lake Champlain (hard to distinguish in photos).

Although it is difficult to see how steep it is, this is the beginning of the worse spot on the trail. It is even rockier further up. When Dave used to own a Yamaha XT 200 on/off road bike, he actually made it up this hill. Of course that was about 10 years ago and he was much younger! 😉

The only wildlife we saw on this trip was a red tailed hawk soaring above our heads (and a float plane over Lake George that was lower than us). However, we did have a chance encounter with one of the Ticonderoga locals who had parked his ATV before the big hill and was walking the trail. He told us some of the history of the area and that he was one of the people who brought the picnic table out to the viewing spot. He has seen deer (a buck today...too bad we didn't see it also) and even a bear in early spring (glad we didn't see that!). We did find out that the land is privately owned, although we did not see any 'no trespassing' signs. Meeting up with someone who had grown up here and was so familiar with the area really added to our experience. Another monumental day and we are excited to start taking a few more of our favorite easy hikes this fall. Not bad for two old goats!

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