Friday, December 18, 2020

Anything Goes

On a really calm but cloudy weekday, we took the opportunity to kayak from the beach along Hutchinson Island to Nettles Island on the Indian River. We launched at a spot just north (right) of the wooded section in the photo that I 'borrowed' from the internet. Google Earth calls it "Our River Beach."

As you can see, Nettles Island is a high density community. You may not think it would be an interesting paddling trip, but it definitely is. It is so diverse, going from seeing the nature and beaches in the wooded area before the community, to seeing all the houses where anything goes, with RV sights, modulars, and beautiful homes all tightly thrown in together (and a marina too!). The architecture is noteworthy since the houses are built to fit into tight spots at strange angles. 

On the way back to the beach, we checked out this abandoned derelict boat. As we got closer, I noticed a tent set up in the mangroves, so someone must still be living there (sorry, the tent isn't visible in the photo)!

We are glad we don't own this sailboat because it has been taken over by pelicans and an osprey. They didn't move as they watched us cruise on by. Dave was closer and said it really stank. 😉

At the beach we launched at, there is a memorial to three people, which is also at the road. This is a popular spot on the weekends, but only one other car was there when we arrived and none when we left.

What a great workout we had on fine kayaking day!

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