Sunday, August 8, 2021

Wind? What Wind?

Since we lucked out previously with kayaking on a weekend at Hulett's Landing on Lake George, we decided to try again yesterday, paddling north instead of south. Upon arriving, it looked like the predicted light southerlies were a bit more, but we headed out anyway. Well, the wind actually had quite a bit of west to it, which gave us no protection from the waves. We made it to the first northern bay and had to turn around. First though, we were glad to see wooden boats, since this year we are missing the annual Antique Boat Show and auction held in Clayton. Plus an "Endless Summer" is what we seem to strive for. 😉

We knew we could find some lee by our favorite unnamed little group of islands we always like to swim at. Getting there was a challenge in the increasing waves.

Dave dove right in when we got there...

Then, just like the previous day at Willsboro, we decided to head back to the launching area, but took a short side trip up the tiny creek next to the Washington County Park and Beach where we launched.

Strangely, just like the previous day also, we came out of the creek and the wind had eased and then died! So back to 'our' islands we went for swimming, before racing to the beach before a rain shower peaked its head over the mountains. The 'Turtle Whisperer' decided to snorkel and came back with a gift for me. This is the largest turtle he has ever caught and it had beautiful shell markings on the top and bottom. 

When Dave placed it on the rock to slither back in the water, it sure moved fast and swam away unharmed (and a good story to tell his friends 😉).

Ironically, later that evening, when we took our walk along the LaChute River, Dave found the tiniest turtle we have seen. It must have been fresh from the egg and hopefully hadn't come down the falls. It was so small that it could tuck itself completely in its shell.

We beat the odds with the weather and wind gods again. Hopefully our luck continues!

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