Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Placid Paddle

What a perfect day yesterday was with a clear blue sky and 80+ degree temps! We have to choose our warm days to go boating at Lake Placid, because it is always about 10 degrees colder up there, and the conditions could not have been better. It is hard to tell in this photo, but we could actually see the buildings at the summit of Whiteface Mountain.

We only brought our kayaks, but this allowed us to get up close to all the gorgeous boathouses and 'camps'. First the boathouse...

Then the 'camp' or 'cottage' that goes with it. So many are huge and beautiful like this...

Below are more examples of what we saw, with most of the boathouses having spectacular wooden boats hiding in them. The concentration of wooden boats is even more than Lake George or the Thousand Islands. 

Finally, this caught our eye, not only with the mannequin, but also the name of the boat which was changed from the Good Wife to the Good Life (or perhaps the other way around?). Is the mannequin a substitute?  😉

1 comment:

  1. It appears most of the boats were named in reference to the Skipper's wife. Lauren...Sunshine... High Maintenance...Mine...Crisis.
