Thursday, September 20, 2018

Up Up & Away..

In my beautiful balloon! 🎵🎶 Well, not mine but still beautiful. We went to the opening ceremonies of the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Glens Falls tonight and it was fantastic. Although it was overcast, there wasn't any wind and about 20 of the balloons were able to fly. First they lay out the balloons on the ground with the gorgeous baskets laying on their sides. They start filling them with a motorized fan...

Then it's time to fire up the propane burners... 

Until they stand upright. Meanwhile there are line handlers that keep them from taking off until it is time.

This one was an old Budweiser balloon, but they changed the wording to DUDE and put a patch over BEERS.

Here are the rest of the photos including everyone's favorite, the white rabbit. It even had a puff of a tail. 

Bye bye bunny as it skims over the tree tops. 

What an awesome evening!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun. The quiet as it lifts off, the brilliance of color as the propane whooshes up into the opening of the envelope (balloon). Brings back memories of Albuquerque's Balloon Festival.
